2025 Retail Shippers Expo & Trade Show
Hyatt Regency Dallas

300 Reunion Blvd. | Dallas, Texas | 75207 | PH: (214) 651-1234 | WEB: www.HyattRegencyDallas.com

It’s time to mark your calendars for the 2025 Retail Shippers Expo & Trade Show, happening May 29 – June 1, 2025, in Dallas, TX! This will be the place to be for top-notch connections, fresh ideas, and business-boosting insights.

Space is limited, so when you’re ready to make your Expo plans, be sure to book your room using the link provided on the Hotel Tab. This will grant you access to our exclusive rates—don’t miss the chance to secure your place at the most anticipated retail shipper's event of 2025!

The 2023 RS Expo was sensational... but don’t just take our word for it, listen to what 2023 RS Expo attendees had to say about the largest Retail Shipper event of the year—read their testimonials!


Here's what we have in store for you...

RS Expo Trade Show

The Industry's Largest Trade Show

A key feature of the Retail Shippers Expo is the Trade Show. This is your best chance to get that all-important face time with the carriers, vendors, and suppliers who provide us with the crucial products and services that allow us to build and grow our businesses. In addition to the long-term providers and vendors, exciting NEW products and services will be exhibited and demonstrated (some for the FIRST time). As the industry's largest trade show, the Retail Shippers Expo & Trade Show should be on your list of "Can't Miss" events in 2025.


General Session

State-of-The-Industry Address

The State-of-the-Industry General Session is the "official" kick-off for the Retail Shippers Expo. A presentation by RS Associates President Brandon Gale will get the RS Expo started as he shares his view of where we are going as an industry. As part of the General Session, a review of the Expo schedule of events will guide you through the what, when, and where of the event to ensure you take full advantage of the content-packed program.


Breakout & Lab Sessions

Expert Training By Industry Leaders

Breakouts, breakouts, and more breakouts! Some of the best "nuggets of knowledge" are picked up during the breakout sessions. These informative classes are presented by bona fide industry subject-matter experts and cover a wide range of topics, ranging from store operations to new profit centers. A long list of highly requested sessions run throughout the event. Plan on attending as many as you can. 



Voices that educate and inspire

In the past, our Keynote Speakers have varied in industry, profession, and background, to name a few, and it is the combination of these unique insights that add incredible and unparalleled value to the Retail Shippers Expo & Trade Show.

As we get closer to the RS Expo event, we will reveal who our 2025 Keynote Speakers will be!


Peer Networking

Share Ideas & Swap Your Best Stories

Arguably one of the most valuable aspects of any industry event is the chance to network with other store owners. It's the one time a year you'll get to be in a room with hundreds of other people that do what you do every day. This is a great opportunity to share success stories about your best profit centers, compare your most ridiculous customer tales and pick the brains of industry veterans so you can repeat their successes in your store. You will leave the event with not only new ideas and new friends, but also a renewed energy and enthusiasm for your business.


Point-of-sale Training

Learn how to get the most out of your software

Your Point-of-Sale software is the powerplant that helps you run your business efficiently, accurately, and as profitably as possible. Today's systems are some of the most robust and dynamic of any retail POS systems available. As an owner, you need to know how to take full advantage of everything these powerful tools are designed to do. Industry POS providers PostalMate® and ShipRite™ will provide user training and system update classes throughout the weekend.




We understand that sometimes plans change and you may need to cancel your registration for RS Expo. In the event of a cancellation, our policy is as follows:

  1. Cancellation requests made on or before May 1, 2025 will receive a FULL REFUND minus a $25 processing fee per attendee.
  2. Due to cost commitment deadlines required to produce the event, cancellation requests made after May 1, 2025 but before May 17, 2025 will receive a 50% REFUND per attendee.
  3. Cancellation requests made after May 17, 2025 will not be eligible for a refund.

Please note that all cancellation requests must be submitted in writing via email to eventregistration@rscentral.org . Refunds will be issued within 14 days of receipt of the cancellation request.

If the event is cancelled by RSA due to unforeseen circumstances, participants will receive a FULL REFUND of the registration fee. However, the organizers will not be responsible for any other expenses incurred by participants such as travel or accommodation costs.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in our cancellation policy. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Hyatt Regency Dallas offers guests the ability to cancel their individual reservations without penalty.

Guest must call by 11:59 PM CST; 72 hours prior to their scheduled arrival date to cancel the reservations to avoid being charged one (1) night room and tax. Any reservation that is not canceled and does not arrive will be charged (1) night room and tax to the guaranteed method of payment on the reservation.

2025 RS Expo Attendee Age Restrictions
Retail Shipping Associates love kids (many of us have one), but the 2025 RS Expo is produced for our members and industry providers as a business meeting.

Attendees invest time and resources to attend, so it is important they receive full value for the investment.

In that spirit, following is our event policy regarding age restrictions: Attendees are required to be 13 years of age or older and must have a paid Expo pass.

This will allow teens that are working for members to obtain training and the other valuable knowledge available at Expo.

Children may attend meal-only events with a paid meal ticket.

2025 RS Expo
Schedule Of Events

Wednesday | May 28th

Note: An ALL-ACCESS PASS is required to attend Wednesday
Pre-Event Training—except for RS BootCamp (Any All-Access Pass is acceptable.)

7:00a - 6:00p
Registration & Help Desk
8:00a - 5:00p
Zoom U - By FotoZoomer Pre-Event 

Zoom U? Zoom U is the continuation of support that FotoZoomer offers all FotoZoomer owners with education classes held both on-line as well as events around the country. These classes are designed to give more hands-on training, production techniques and marketing support to help grow a store owner's printing revenue. FotoZoomer is a family and family always makes sure you have everything you need to be successful.

8:00a - 4:00p

Saddle-up for a day of training and networking with other PostalMate® users and “prospectors”. Your software is powerful and robust, but for this journey, you’ll want to pack your saddle-bags with new tricks and tips that will lasso its full potential. Karen, Roger, and Sarah will be in the corral to help you steer down the path to better knowledge, efficiency, and productivity.

8:00a - 4:00p

It’s Technology Time! ShipRite™ is known for our award-winning software system. Here are some of the topics that will be covered at this years training – New Features, Tips & Tricks, Smart Mailboxes, Shipping Markups, QuickBooks Interface and more!

11:00a - 7:00p
BootCamp - Owners & Managers Seminar Pre-Event | Additional Fee

RS Boot Camp was developed by RS Academy for both new store owners and veteran operators and staff. As the seminar title indicates, this intensive program provides a comprehensive overview of what it takes to thrive in the retail shipping and business services industry. New owners will learn all the right steps, but of equal importance, we also show you how to avoid the costly mistakes many owners make. Veteran owners and staff will fine-tune and get their stores ‘back in fighting shape’.


Thursday | May 29th
7:00a - 6:00p
Registration & Help Desk
8:00a - 12:00p
Printing With FotoZoomer

These 50-minute training sessions are a focus subject training to maximize print as well as marketing of print and other services.

8:00a - 12:00p
Point-of-Sale Training

Both leading software providers, PostalMate® and ShipRite™, will be providing hands-on training throughout the weekend.

8:00a - 12:00p
RS Academy Certification Training Pre-Event | Additional Fee
  • Packing 101 - Packing Essentials
1:00p - 1:30p
State-of-the-Industry: Brandon Gale

The State-of-the Industry General Session is the "official" kick off for the Retail Shippers Expo. Beginning with a look at the "State of The Industry" by RS Associates President Brandon Gale to get the Expo started. A review of the RS Expo schedule of events will guide you through the what, when, and where of the event to ensure you take full advantage of the content-packed program.

1:30p - 2:30p
KeyNote Speaker: Satish Jindel

We’re excited to welcome back Satish Jindel, President of ShipMatrix and a standout speaker from previous RS Expos, most recently in 2022. ShipMatrix, a leading data analytics platform, specializes in optimizing shipping performance and helping businesses enhance delivery efficiency.

Satish captivated attendees in 2022 with his unique insights and detailed analytics, offering a broad perspective on the ever-evolving shipping and logistics landscape. This year, he returns to share more of his unparalleled expertise and thought-provoking observations. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from this highly regarded expert in the logistics industry.

2:45p - 4:45p
Printing With FotoZoomer

These 50-minute training sessions are a focus subject training to maximize print as well as marketing of print and other services.

2:45p - 4:45p
Point-of-Sale Training

Both leading software providers, PostalMate® and ShipRite™, will be providing hands-on training throughout the weekend.

2:45p - 4:45p
Breakout Sessions

Breakouts, breakouts, and more breakouts! Some of the best "nuggets of knowledge" are picked up during the breakout sessions. These informative classes are presented by bona fide industry subject-matter experts and cover a wide range of topics. Plan on attending as many as you can.

5:30p - 7:30p
Welcome Reception

Enjoy drinks and hors d'oeuvres and mingle with your fellow store owners.


Friday | May 30th
7:00a - 6:00p
Registration & Help Desk
8:00a - 9:00a
UPS Welcome Breakfast & ASO Top Shipper Awards

Get a great start on a very busy day with a hearty breakfast and informative industry presentation by UPS as well as the Authorized Shipping Outlet Top Shipper Awards.

9:15a - 12:15p
Printing With FotoZoomer

These 50-minute training sessions are a focus subject training to maximize print as well as marketing of print and other services.

9:15a - 12:15p
Point-of-Sale Training

Both leading software providers, PostalMate® and ShipRite™, will be providing hands-on training throughout the weekend.

9:15a - 12:15p
Breakout Sessions

Breakouts, breakouts, and more breakouts! Some of the best "nuggets of knowledge" are picked up during the breakout sessions. These informative classes are presented by bona fide industry subject-matter experts and cover a wide range of topics. Plan on attending as many as you can.

12:30p - 2:00p
Lunch & Special Presentation Panel

Enjoy a hot lunch, refreshments and networking with your fellow store owners.

2:15p - 4:15p
Printing With FotoZoomer

These 50-minute training sessions are a focus subject training to maximize print as well as marketing of print and other services.

2:15p - 4:15p
Point-of-Sale Training

Both leading software providers, PostalMate® and ShipRite™, will be providing hands-on training throughout the weekend.

2:15p - 4:15p
Breakout Sessions

Breakouts, breakouts, and more breakouts! Some of the best "nuggets of knowledge" are picked up during the breakout sessions. These informative classes are presented by bona fide industry subject-matter experts and cover a wide range of topics. Plan on attending as many as you can.

5:00p - 6:15p
PostalMate® Reception

Enjoy drinks and hors d'oeuvres and mingle with your fellow store owners – Sponsored by PostalMate®.

6:00p - 7:30p
RS Expo Trade Show Kick-Off — All-Access Pass Only

All-Access Pass holders get a first look at this year’s Trade Show. Spend some quality face time with the carriers and other exhibitors.


Saturday | May 31st
7:00a - 6:00p
Registration & Help Desk
8:00a - 9:00a
ShipRite Breakfast

Get a great start on a very busy day with a hearty breakfast sponsored by ShipRite™.

9:15a - 11:15a
Printing With FotoZoomer

These 50-minute training sessions are a focus subject training to maximize print as well as marketing of print and other services.

9:15a - 11:15a
Point-of-Sale Training

Both leading software providers, PostalMate® and ShipRite™, will be providing hands-on training throughout the weekend.

9:15a - 11:15a
Breakout Sessions

Breakouts, breakouts, and more breakouts! Some of the best "nuggets of knowledge" are picked up during the breakout sessions. These informative classes are presented by bona fide industry subject-matter experts and cover a wide range of topics. Plan on attending as many as you can.

11:30a - 4:30p
RS Expo Trade Show

Package carriers, POS systems, new products, new services, and new technology--the latest and greatest will be on display for you to see first-hand. Of equal importance is that critical face time with the representatives from over 50 companies committed to helping you succeed.

6:00p - 8:00p
FedEx Dinner & Entertainment

Join us for an evening of food and fun! Hold on to your seats, FedEx, a Platinum Sponsor of the RS Expo & Trade Show, has an unforgettable and engaging evening of comedy planned! You don’t want to miss this!

Fish Sticks Comedy Troupe

Fish Sticks Comedy is one of the largest, always-all age appropriate improv comedy teams in the US. With a nationwide cast of professional improvisers, the Fish Sticks Comedy troupe is ready to make your evening memorable, and bursting with laughter.


Sunday | June 1st
7:00a - 12:00p
Registration & Help Desk
8:00a - 9:00a
Closing Breakfast

Get a great start on a very busy last day with a hearty breakfast and sponsored by TBD

9:30a - 12:00p
Town Hall Meeting & Open-Mic

This is your chance to hear about what’s happening in the industry and to ask questions that have been on your mind.


Note: All times and events are subject to change.



We understand that sometimes plans change and you may need to cancel your registration for RS Expo. In the event of a cancellation, our policy is as follows:

  1. Cancellation requests made on or before May 1, 2025 will receive a FULL REFUND minus a $25 processing fee per attendee.
  2. Due to cost commitment deadlines required to produce the event, cancellation requests made after May 1, 2025 but before May 17, 2025 will receive a 50% REFUND per attendee.
  3. Cancellation requests made after May 17, 2025 will not be eligible for a refund.

Please note that all cancellation requests must be submitted in writing via email to eventregistration@rscentral.org . Refunds will be issued within 14 days of receipt of the cancellation request.

If the event is cancelled by RSA due to unforeseen circumstances, participants will receive a FULL REFUND of the registration fee. However, the organizers will not be responsible for any other expenses incurred by participants such as travel or accommodation costs.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in our cancellation policy. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Hyatt Regency Dallas offers guests the ability to cancel their individual reservations without penalty.

Guest must call by 11:59 PM CST; 72 hours prior to their scheduled arrival date to cancel the reservations to avoid being charged one (1) night room and tax. Any reservation that is not canceled and does not arrive will be charged (1) night room and tax to the guaranteed method of payment on the reservation.

2025 RS Expo Attendee Age Restrictions
Retail Shipping Associates love kids (many of us have one), but the 2025 RS Expo is produced for our members and industry providers as a business meeting.

Attendees invest time and resources to attend, so it is important they receive full value for the investment.

In that spirit, following is our event policy regarding age restrictions: Attendees are required to be 13 years of age or older and must have a paid Expo pass.

This will allow teens that are working for members to obtain training and the other valuable knowledge available at Expo.

Children may attend meal-only events with a paid meal ticket.

2025 RS Expo

Breakout Session Preview!

Please Note: Topics are subject to change. Some sessions may be added or removed as necessary.

Captivate Customers with In-Store Monitors

Learn how to maximize engagement with effective in-store screen content.

Exit Strategies & Store Value

Discover strategies to optimize your store’s value when planning an exit.

Spot & Hire Top Talent

Tips for finding and hiring the best candidates for your team.

Expand Your Retail Game

How to explore new retail offerings to grow your business.

In-House Accounts: A Great Rev Source

Uncover the revenue potential of in-house accounts.

Unlock Fulfillment Services

Learn how to add fulfillment services to your business model.

White Glove Delivery

Elevate customer satisfaction with premium delivery options.

KPI's—Key Metrics for Success

Identify and track the most important metrics for growth.

Power Up Employee Productivity

Boost your team’s performance with actionable strategies.

Freight & LTL Essentials

Simplify freight and LTL shipping for your business.

Branding that Stands Out

Create a strong brand identity that resonates with customers.

Advanced Social Media

Level up your social media strategy with advanced tactics.

Intro to International Shipping

Get started with the basics of global shipping.

Notary Know-How

Best practices for running a successful notary service.

Packing the Tough Stuff / Myths & Misconceptions of Packaging

Master techniques for packing challenging items safely.

Pitch Perfect: Maximizing Mailbox Potential

Refine your pitch to turn mailbox inquiries into loyal customers.

Google Ads & Digital Marketing

Drive traffic and sales with effective digital advertising.

Maersk 3-Day

Key insights into the exclusive Maersk 3-Day shipping solution.

DHL Ecommerce

Enhance your ecommerce operations with DHL services.

Ancillary Print Tools: Beyond the Basics

Discover the tools that make print services smoother, faster, and more efficient.

Store Design—Meeting Market Expectations?

Design a store that meets modern customer needs.

Modernizing Ecommerce Via QR Codes (PBC)

Leverage QR codes to streamline ecommerce.

Customer Role-Play: Real Scenarios, Real Solutions!

See live demonstrations of common customer challenges and expert responses.

Adding Neighborhood Pick-Up & Delivery Services

Learn how to offer convenient local services.

How to Build a Business Plan

Develop a practical and effective business plan.

Print4Pay / Web-Based Printing Business

Monetize web-based printing for added revenue.

Q&A Session—Ask Us Anything!

An open forum to get answers to all your questions; ft. RS Advisory Council.

Please Note: Topics are subject to change. Some sessions may be added or removed as necessary.

2025 RS Expo
Certification, POS & Print Training

The most successful store operators in the industry understand that Retail Shipping is not a simple business. There are literally tens of thousands of rules, regulations, best business practices and details that you must know before you can represent yourself as a real expert. Quality training and education for you and your staff is an absolute necessity.

PostalMate® is the leading supplier of automation to the retail shipping industry. PostalMate®offers more features to assist at every level of the retail shipping business. PostalMate® is a comprehensive yet easy to use solution, providing automation for shipping DHL, FedEx, UPS and USPS. Included with PostalMate® is a complete point-of-sale, accounts receivable and mailbox management system.

ShipRite™ began selling its software in 1997. At that time, and for the following 4 years, ShipRite’s™ Global Connect, proudly held the title of the ONLY Windows software with shipping and POS for mail & parcel Centers. ShipRite’s™ customers included independents as well as other franchises such as the Mailboxes, Etc and Airborne (now DHL.)


FotoZoomer will be offering a number of print training opporunities at this year's expo. Training for existing FotoZoomer customers begins with Zoom U on Wednesday. Zoom U is the continuation of support that FotoZoomer offers all FotoZoomer owners with education classes held both on-line as well as events around the country. These classes are designed to give more hands-on training, production techniques and marketing support to help grow a store owner's printing revenue. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, be sure to check out the Printing with Fotozoomer sessions. These 50-minute training sessions are a focus subject training to maximize print as well as marketing of print and other services.


RS Academy Schedule

Wednesday | May 28th — 11:00a to 7:00p
RS Bootcamp – Owners & Managers Seminar

RS Boot Camp was developed by RS Academy for both new store owners and veteran operators and staff. As the seminar title indicates, this intensive program provides a comprehensive overview of what it takes to thrive in the retail shipping and business services industry. New owners will learn all the right steps, but of equal importance, we also show you how to avoid the costly mistakes many owners make. Veteran owners and staff will fine-tune and get their stores ‘back in fighting shape’.

This seminar is presented by Brandon Gale, RS Associates President and 30-year industry veteran and multi-store owner along with industry suppliers, carriers and service providers.

PackageHub Member: $375

Premium Member: $390

Basic Member: $475

($100 discount for any additional students from the same store)

Thursday | May 29th — 8:00a - 12:00p
Packing 101 - Packing Essentials

Find a box in the nearest dumpster, throw your stuff in, slap some duct tape on, mark it "Fragile", then ship it. Simple, right? Wrong. Many Retail Shipping Store operators make a grave mistake in thinking that packaging is simple. But in order to properly prepare your packages to survive the rigors of the transportation network, you must follow very specific carrier rules and the physics of packaging dynamics. This class covers both the science and rules; containers, packaging/cushioning materials and how to use the "right" one for the job, packaging techniques, sealing, carrier rules, and tricks of the trade that will make you a true packaging expert.

NOTE: This class meets the PBC Requirement for PROFESSIONAL PACKING training.


PackageHub Franchisee: $60

Premium Member: $90

Basic Member: $120

2025 RS Expo
Sponsors & Exhibitors

RS Expo Platinum Sponsors


FedEx Corp. provides customers and businesses worldwide with a broad portfolio of transportation, e-commerce and business services. With annual revenue of $87 billion, the company offers integrated business solutions utilizing its flexible, efficient, and intelligent global network. Consistently ranked among the world's most admired and trusted employers, FedEx inspires its more than 500,000 employees to remain focused on safety, the highest ethical and professional standards and the needs of their customers and communities. FedEx is committed to connecting people and possibilities around the world responsibly and resourcefully, with a goal to achieve carbon-neutral operations by 2040.

WEB: www.rscentral.org/FedEx


Founded in 1907 as a messenger company in the United States, UPS has grown into a $49.7 billion corporation by clearly focusing on the goal of enabling commerce around the globe.

Today UPS is a global company with one of the most recognized and admired brands in the world. We have become the world’s largest package delivery company and a leading global provider of specialized transportation and logistics services. Every day, we manage the flow of goods, funds, and information in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.

WEB: www.rscentral.org/UPS


PostalMate® is the leading supplier of automation to the retail shipping industry. PostalMate® offers more features to assist at every level of the retail shipping business. PostalMate® is a comprehensive yet easy to use solution, providing automation for shipping DHL, FedEx, UPS and USPS. Included with PostalMate® is a complete point-of-sale, accounts receivable and mailbox management system.

PH:800-485-6901 | WEB: www.pcsynergy.com | EMAIL: sales@pcsynergy.com


FotoZoomer systems print professional-quality indoor and outdoor banners, poster-size calendars, canvas portraits, signage, photo enlargements, magnet backed prints, and more.

PH:702-485-4421 | WEB: www.fotozoomer.com | EMAIL: sales@fotozoomer.com


PBC is now the second-largest and fastest-growing franchise in the retail shipping industry. In March of 2020, PackageHub Business Centers® (PBC) announced our first franchisee—and as of 2025, we are over 1160 members strong. Our central goal is to unite independent retail shippers together and use our strength in numbers to negotiate benefits and create partnerships that will position our network to be an important market player. We call ourselves a non-traditional franchise, because we offer all the good stuff, and none of the bad—find us at Expo to learn more!

PH:866.365.8988 | WEB: www.packagehub.com


ShipRite™ began as a mailing and shipping store in 1990. Aside from continuously operating multiple stores for 33 years, ShipRite began selling its unique software to other store owners in 1997. Since then we are proud that we are the technology leader in this industry. Besides our award winning POS system, ShipRite also sells Smart Mailboxes as well as self service shipping technologies. Other products are ROSIE™ for processing drop offs and SEND™ our exclusive multi carrier shipping kiosk. If you wish to ‘up your game’ in your store and take advantage of all the newest in technology in this industry, give us a call.

PH:315-427-24221 | WEB: www.shipritesoftware.com | EMAIL: info@shipritesoftware.com

RS Associates

Retail Shipping Associates (RSA) has been providing professional skills certification training, carrier and vendor relations, advocacy and a variety of specialty programs that help our members to thrive in an ever-competitive marketplace since 2007. As the largest organization of its kind, RSA’s 7,500+ membership is comprised of both independent (nonfranchise) and franchised stores throughout all 50 states, the US Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. The RSA team’s sole focus is the financial health and well-being of our Members.

PH:866.365.8988 | WEB: www.rscentral.org



RS Expo Gold Sponsors


Now your customers can manage their postal mail & packages online, 24/7 from anywhere, with Digital Mailbox service from iPostal1. Tap into a huge new market for your store’s services. Add more mailbox rentals. Grow your revenues. Create more loyal customers. Expand your geographic reach. Defend against competition.

PH:845-579-5772 | WEB: www.uszoom.com | EMAIL: sales@ipostal1.com


With Maersk E-Commerce Logistics, we want to empower brands and retailers to pursue a direct-to-consumer model which is seamlessly integrated experience. To do so, we offer products that help shippers reduce complexities, save time, avoid high costs and sell more. Maersk is proud to introduce Maersk Parcel for Retail. A new product specifically designed for the retail pack and ship industry.


RJ Young

Whether it’s office technology like copiers and printers, managed IT services, smart security devices, or digital communication tools, RJ Young has you covered. We’re here to help you transition your existing workplace into the modern office. A modern office needs to be smart. It must integrate technology as a business advantage. Meaning, it must make employees’ day-to-day processes easier, faster, and more sophisticated. All to improve efficiency and outcomes. That’s where RJ Young comes in. We’re your one-stop for technology solutions that power your business.

PH:706-686-4051 | WEB: www.RJYoung.com/RSA



RS Expo Trade Show Exhibitors

Anytime Mailbox

Anytime Mailbox provides a software platform for mail center operators to turn postal mail into digital mail. Anytime Mailbox software platform is recognized as the postal ecosystem’s leading private-labeled, cloud-based technology. Our company’s network of mail center partners stretches over 770 locations across the Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and Australia. New customers join the network daily to enjoy the benefits of managing their postal mail, anytime anywhere.

(702) 935-5664 | WEB: www.anytimemailbox.com | EMAIL: sales@anytimemailbox.com

Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI)

The Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) is the largest media, marketing and education organization serving the promotional products industry, with a network of over 25,000 distributors and suppliers throughout North America. ASI leads the industry in technology solutions, providing cloud-based e-commerce, enterprise resource planning software (ERP) and customer relationship management software (CRM). ESP Web™ is the industry’s leading tool for sourcing hundreds of thousands of products.

PH:800-301-9158 | WEB: www.asicentral.com


A member-run non-profit trade association, our mission is to provide a MembersHelpingMembers community for businesses in the shipping, mail, and business center industry to connect, learn, and grow. Building on decades of experience, we believe in always reaching for what’s new and what’s next, and strive to grow fresh content, programs, and trusted supplier connections that benefit our members … and inspire them to reach their full potential.

PH:(815) 316-8255 | WEB: www.ambc4me.org

Blue Mountain Arts

Blue Mountain Arts is a publisher of fine greeting cards, calendars, gifts and books. Our company has existed for over 50 years now (since 1971) and our products are sold throughout the world as our themes of love, family, friendship and positive thoughts are universal. We convey the perfect words to celebrate life's special moments.

PH:(303) 641-4548 | WEB: www.sps.com

Certifix LiveScan

Certifix Live Scan can help your postal & shipping center offer Live Scan fingerprinting services. Our system is compliant with state and federal requirements, included is a laptop, fingerprint scanner, card reader, complete training, technical support, and marketing. With nearly a decade of experience, we are confident that our network can help generate new business for your center. 

PH:800-710-1934 | WEB: www.certifixlivescan.com

Jackson Marking

JMP provides rubber stamp equipment and services. Use our Brother Stampcreator Pro System to make pre-inked stamps for your customers in just three minutes while turning $9 in materials into a $25 sale. Fast, clean, simple and fun! Great service and support have made us Brother’s #1 Stampcreator distributor in the USA. We also provide custom stamp and engraving services including quick turn-around and a full 50% discount on most items.

PH:800-782-6722 | WEB: www.rubber-stamp.com | EMAIL: jmp@rubber-stamp.com


Kobis.com is a distributor of personalization equipment and supplies, and an Authorized Reseller for DNP, Roland, and other leading manufacturers. We specialize in Digital Photography solutions, including the New DNP IDW500 Passport and ID system, and DNP SL620A Snaplab+ Photo Kiosk System. If you are ready to upgrade your current equipment, or add these profitable solutions to your store, visit us at the Orlando RSA Expo for a live demo.

PH:800-781-8002 | WEB: www.kobisonline.com | EMAIL: sales@kobis.com

Marsh (RS Package Insurance)

Properly covering your customers’ shipments for loss or damage is an integral part of the service you provide. It protects both you and your customer while representing a significant profit opportunity for your store. The best means of protecting your customers’ (and your) financial interest is to purchase full coverage package/cargo insurance.

PH:866-365-8988 | WEB: www.RSCentral.org/Marsh

Matthew Thomas Advisors

Matthew Thomas Advisors is a sell-side M&A advisor representing small business owners in the sale of their companies. Our advisors have completed over $20 billion in transactions throughout their careers. We have deep experience and connections in the Retail Shipping Center space and offer sellers a turn-key approach to selling their businesses.


IPS By Meest

IPS by Meest is a integration business to consumer shipments from the U.S. to 170+ destinations, offering cost-effective air and ocean consolidation shipments. Our core service is consumer-to-consumer consolidated shipping at unbeatable rates and seamless process. We have nearly 500 U.S. and European shipping outlets, serving 170 countries. Our mission is to deliver affordable, reliable international shipping for you and your customers.

PH:413-6930-0065 | WEB: www.ipsbymeest.com


TechShed has been a leading provider of Point-Of-Sale hardware and supplies to mail and parcel centers across the USA since 1995, and more recently to other retail outlets including ecommerce shipping stations. PCSynergy, the creators of Postalmate, selected TechShed to become their Certified Partner for POS hardware for PostalMate. We know POS hardware well and resolve technical problems every day for businesses all over the USA.

PH:800.205.0650 | WEB: www.techshedusa.com | EMAIL: mike@techshedusa.com


Pictamail evolves your physical mailboxes to meet the challenges of a digital world. This solution provides a mail management system that can help monetize incoming parcels along with upcoming PBC's PUDO setup. The easy and compatible PictaMail also provides you an ability to offer your own digital mailbox service.

PH:214.509.8409 | WEB: pictamail.com


VSoftwareTools, Inc. is a leading provider of business technology services. Our flagship product PMTools (Profit Management Tools) made us a software leader of the Mail Ship and Parcel Industry.

PH:800-778-4078 | WEB: www.vsoftwaretools.com | EMAIL: sales@vsoftwaretools.com


PostScan Mail empowers mailbox and shipping stores with a powerful digital mail solution, allowing customers to manage their mail remotely. Our virtual mailbox service enables locations to offer mail scanning, forwarding, and secure storage—creating a new revenue stream while meeting the needs of business travelers, remote workers, and digital nomads. Expand your store’s capabilities and attract more customers with the future of mail management.

PH:800-624-5866 | WEB: www.postscanmail.com

Prosperous Internet Marketing

Prosperous Small Business Digital Marketing Services for the Local Small Business. We believe with every fiber of our being that people do business with people who they know, like, and trust. Because we believe this, we have perfected a tried-and-true marketing workflow specifically catered to LOCAL SMALL BUSINESSES. We offer a complete, done for you, ecosystem.

PH:(850) 475-4460 | WEB: www.ProsperousIM.com/ship

Refund Retriever

Founded in 2006, Refund Retriever helps businesses reduce shipping costs by auditing FedEx and UPS invoices for late deliveries and billing errors. You are entitled to a full refund for late deliveries. Our automated system identifies and claims refunds, ensuring clients recover money for late FedEx and UPS shipments.

Beyond auditing, we analyze shipping data and provide FREE PostalMate parcel billing reconciliation reporting. Our fee is a percentage of successful refunds—no monthly or cancellation fees. Trusted by thousands of shippers, Refund Retriever provides cost-saving solutions to maximize e􀆯iciency. We help lower shipping expenses and improve profitability.

PH:(800) 441-8085 | WEB: www.refundretriever.com


Shred America is a veteran owned and operated shredding service provider. We specialize in secure document shredding, hard-drive destruction, and data security servics for businesses and individuals across the US. Our mission is to provide superior customer service, maintain operational efficiency, and apply state of the art equipment and technology while employing highly motivated people that share our core values and beliefs. Shred America employs both our first responders and veterans separated from the military.

PH:866-747-3387 | WEB: www.shredamerica.com


At SignaPay, we offer customized payment solutions so your business can quickly and easily begin accepting credit card payments. Our wide variety of payment processing solutions is ideal for businesses of any size, giving you more options to serve your customers.

PH:888.716.2670 | WEB: www.signapay.com | EMAIL: rsassociates@signapay.com

SupplySide USA

Supply Side USA is the preeminent supplier in the packaging, shipping, moving, and storage product industry, dedicated to serving specialty retailers. Our vast customer network is varied, from the largest national chains to independent single-location businesses. This reach encompasses over 30,000 retail outlets across the USA and Canada. We cater to your retail needs and supply a comprehensive range of back-of-store essentials, ensuring that every aspect of your business is covered.

PH:800-284-7357 | WEB: www.supplyside.com | EMAIL: tradeshows@supplyside.com

Swift Passport Services

Swift Passport Services is a trusted leader in expedited passport and visa processing, providing fast and reliable travel document solutions for individuals and businesses. With a commitment to efficiency and customer service, Swift simplifies complex application processes, ensuring travelers receive their passports and visas on time. Specializing in urgent and expedited processing, the company partners with consulates and government agencies to deliver seamless solutions for global travelers.

PH:312-929-2105 | WEB: www.SwiftPassport.com | EMAIL:SHAINA@SWIFTPASSPORT.COM

2023 RS Expo
Attendee Testimonials

Andi Smith

The Mailbox Connection

“Expo is always valuable for the knowledge gained, BUT... the knowledge AND comradery gained from mingling with other store owners is PRICELESS. Sometimes those late evening conversations will glean nuggets that you won't find anywhere else!”

Emilie Keene

Palmetto Xpress

“I am a new-ish store (roughly 8 months old) and this was my first Expo. It certainly did not disappoint. From the breakout sessions to the networking opportunities, I brought back so much information that I will most definitely implement. I am confident what I put into practice will bring more volume/sales to my store. This is an event I will earmark for attendance every single year!”

Christel Hays

Oakhurst Business Center

“I have attended many trade shows in my prior career. I could kick myself for waiting 5 years before attending this one for my own business. It totally turned my thinking around, and I am very excited to implement all that I learned. The new friendships that I made will be invaluable. Thank you, RSA!”

Aaron Harrington

The Shipping Depot

“This was our first time going to the Expo, and we were expecting a lot, but it exceeded our greatest expectations! From BootCamp to the FedEx dinner, it was either informative, entertaining or fostered helpful connections. And everyone was very friendly. Worth every penny.”

Lupe Carranza

South Gate Pack N Ship

“I have attended the RS Expo & Trade Show since 2015. It's an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest trends and technologies in the industry that can help improve your shipping efficiency and customer service, network with other retail shippers, and find new vendors to help strengthen my shipping operations.

I always leave the expo with new ideas and strategies to implement in my business. If you are serious about growing your business and improving your shipping operations, then you should make every effort to attend.”

Zain Colombo

Post Boxes Etc.

“The total set up for this Expo and Trade Show was fantastic! This was my first time attending, and I am looking forward to next year's event.”

Pat Osbourne

Packages Plus

“I have always liked this Dallas location because networking is easier. Many wide-open spaces make it easier to have group conversations. I'm not sure that RSA can improve on the content and the continued big wins for us. But as more people sign up for PackageHub, I know that makes their job a lot easier, and the big wins more possible.”

Gary & Heather Davis

Mail & More

“This was our first time attending the conference since purchasing our new store two years ago. The content was super helpful to running our store. Getting away and focusing on professional development proved really valuable for generating new ideas. Direct access to our vendors was immensely valuable. Plus, the conference was first rate. We'll be back!”

Rashida Kachwala

Grand Lakes Postal

“From someone who used to be on the fence about attending the Expo, this is now my second time attending Expo and this is the best investment I have made for my business. What you gain in terms of industry learning, interactions, and networking is worth so much more.

The learning is very wholesome. So many opportunities to figure out things from people who know how to do it and do it right the first time. If you are in the packing, mailing, and shipping business this is a must attend!”

Paul A. Kostecky

Mega Pack and Ship LLC

““The RS Expo, in my mind, along with all other attendees I have spoken to, is a ‘must go to’ event—which is why I attended my second year in a row and will be marking my calendar for the next.

For those that I spoke with that attended, all had overwhelming praising comments to share of their experiences while attending the show. For those that I spoke with that decided not to attend, I have heard some say ‘it is an added expense’ or ‘I don't have the time’ as their reasons for not attending. Please be assured that this event is not an expense, but rather an investment (which should never be confused with each other) towards the long-term success of your store.

The networking with existing vendors, meeting new vendors, learning many known and unknown new tools to add more revenue streams to your business, along with enhancing the current revenue streams already in place—to seeing old and the making of new friends, having the same commonality of being in the Pack and Ship Business Center industry, and much more equates to one of the best investments (also a write off) I make by attending.

I hope to see all of my friends again along with meeting many more new friends at the next RS Expo!”

Philip Wicker

Pack & Mail

“This event is a great way to connect with your fellow store owners and get ideas and best practices for your store. I have been to most, if not all, of the Expos and regional trainings, and have learned something every single time!”

Cesar Carranza

South Gate Pack N Ship

“I had a wonderful and exciting experience at the Retail Shipping Expo! The gathering with fellow store owners was precious, and the tremendous networking environment blew me away. The Expo was a fantastic opportunity to connect with like-minded business owners and learn from some of the most innovative minds in the industry. I left feeling inspired, motivated, and armed with a wealth of knowledge that I can use to take my business to the next level. I highly recommend the retail shipping expo to anyone looking to grow their mailbox shipping business and connect with other passionate entrepreneurs.”

2025 RS Expo
Event Pricing Details

All-Access Passes

The All-Access Pass provides attendees with full access to all 2025 Retail Shippers Expo & Trade Show sessions, events and meals (excluding Pre-Event RS BootCamp). Below is a comprehensive list of activities included with the All-Access Pass:

  • General Session
  • UPS Breakfast
  • Friday Lunch
  • PostalMate Reception
  • Saturday Breakfast
  • All Keynote & Featured Speakers
  • RS Expo Trade Show
  • All Breakouts Sessions
  • All Lab Sessions
  • FedEx Saturday Night Dinner
  • Sunday Breakfast
  • Town Hall Meeting
  • Open-Mic
  • Point-of-Sale Training Tracks

PackageHub® (PBC) Franchisee





Standard Registration
February 3rd, 2025 – May 7th, 2025

Register for the RS Expo & Trade Show on or before May 7th, 2025 for Standard Registration pricing.






Last Chance Registration
May 8th, 2025 – Start of Event

It’s late, but not too late. You can still register for the RS Expo & Trade Show up until the day of the event.

NOTE: To receive the PBC Franchisee price, you must be a PBC Franchisee in good standing at the time of the event.


Premium Member





Standard Registration
February 3rd, 2025 – May 7th, 2025

Register for the RS Expo & Trade Show on or before May 7th, 2025 for Standard Registration pricing.






Last Chance Registration
May 8th, 2025 – Start of Event

It’s late, but not too late. You can still register for the RS Expo & Trade Show up until the day of the event.

NOTE: To receive the Premium Member price, you must be a Premium Member in good standing at the time of the event.


Basic Member





Standard Registration
January 27th, 2025 – May 7th, 2025

Register for the RS Expo & Trade Show on or before May 7th, 2025 for Standard Registration pricing.






Last Chance Registration
May 8th, 2025 – Start of Event

It’s late, but not too late. You can still register for the RS Expo & Trade Show up until the day of the event.


Trade Show Only & One Day Passes

Trade Show Only Pass

Day Pass


Saturday, May 31st, 2025 11:30a – 4:30p
Registrations must be received by May 30th, 2025

If you can’t make it for the entire RS Expo & Trade Show, that’s a shame, but you can attend the Trade Show on Saturday. You must register in advance, by Friday, May 30th, 2025 for your Trade Show-Only Pass. Walk-up registrations on the day of the show will be charged $50 for a Trade Show Only Pass.

NOTE: There is no charge for the Trade Show if you register for any All-Access Pass.



NOTE:  All 1-DAY passes include scheduled meal(s) for that day.








Pick the day that works for you!

The One-Day All-Access Pass provides attendees with full access to all sessions, events and meals for the day.








Pick the day that works for you!

The One-Day All-Access Pass provides attendees with full access to all sessions, events and meals for the day.








Pick the day that works for you!

The One-Day All-Access Pass provides attendees with full access to all sessions, events and meals for the day.








Pick the day that works for you!

The One-Day All-Access Pass provides attendees with full access to all sessions, events and meals for the day.


NOTE: To receive the PBC Franchisee/Premium Member price, you must be a PBC Franchisee/Premium Member in good standing at the time of the event.

Pre-Event Training & Meal Only Passes








RS BootCamp – Owners & Managers Seminar
WEDNESDAY — (11:00a - 7:00pm)

RS Boot Camp was developed by RS Academy for both new store owners and veteran operators and staff. As the seminar title indicates, this intensive program provides a comprehensive overview of what it takes to thrive in the retail shipping and business services industry. New owners will learn all the right steps, but of equal importance, we also show you how to avoid the costly mistakes many owners make. Veteran owners and staff will fine-tune and get their stores ‘back in fighting shape’.

The second student from the same store: PBC Franchisee – $275 | RS Premium Member – $290 | RS Basic Member — $375








RS Academy Certification Training
THURSDAY — (8:00a - 12:00pm)
  • Packing 101 - Packing Essentials

NOTE: To receive the PBC Franchisee/Premium Member price, you must be a PBC Franchisee/Premium Member in good standing at the time of the event.


Meal Events Only

NOTICE: The All-Access Pass includes all meal events. These meal-only tickets are offered to accommodate spouses and attendees who do not purchase the All-Access Pass.







Thursday Reception
Sponsored by: TBD

Time: Thursday Evening – 5:30p Presentation: TBD








Friday Breakfast
Sponsored by: UPS

Time: Friday Morning – 8:00a Presentation: ASO Top Shipper Awards








Friday Reception
Sponsored by: PostalMate

Time: Friday Night – 6:00p Presentation: TBD








Saturday Breakfast
Sponsored by: ShipRite

Time: Saturday Morning – 8:00a Presentation: TBD








Saturday Dinner & Entertainment
Sponsored by: FedEx

Time: Saturday Night – 7:00p Presentation: TBD


NOTE: To receive the PBC Franchisee/Premium Member price, you must be a PBC Franchisee/Premium Member in good standing at the time of registration and the event.



We understand that sometimes plans change and you may need to cancel your registration for RS Expo. In the event of a cancellation, our policy is as follows:

  1. Cancellation requests made on or before May 1, 2025 will receive a FULL REFUND minus a $25 processing fee per attendee.
  2. Due to cost commitment deadlines required to produce the event, cancellation requests made after May 1, 2025 but before May 17, 2025 will receive a 50% REFUND per attendee.
  3. Cancellation requests made after May 17, 2025 will not be eligible for a refund.

Please note that all cancellation requests must be submitted in writing via email to eventregistration@rscentral.org . Refunds will be issued within 14 days of receipt of the cancellation request.

If the event is cancelled by RSA due to unforeseen circumstances, participants will receive a FULL REFUND of the registration fee. However, the organizers will not be responsible for any other expenses incurred by participants such as travel or accommodation costs.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in our cancellation policy. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Hyatt Regency Dallas offers guests the ability to cancel their individual reservations without penalty.

Guest must call by 11:59 PM CST; 72 hours prior to their scheduled arrival date to cancel the reservations to avoid being charged one (1) night room and tax. Any reservation that is not canceled and does not arrive will be charged (1) night room and tax to the guaranteed method of payment on the reservation.

2025 RS Expo Attendee Age Restrictions
Retail Shipping Associates love kids (many of us have one), but the 2025 RS Expo is produced for our members and industry providers as a business meeting.

Attendees invest time and resources to attend, so it is important they receive full value for the investment.

In that spirit, following is our event policy regarding age restrictions: Attendees are required to be 13 years of age or older and must have a paid Expo pass.

This will allow teens that are working for members to obtain training and the other valuable knowledge available at Expo.

Children may attend meal-only events with a paid meal ticket.

Hyatt Regency Dallas

 300 Reunion Blvd | Dallas, Texas | 75207 PH: (214) 651-1234| WEB: www.HyattRegencyDallas.com

An Iconic Hotel In
Downtown Dallas

Located downtown next to an iconic Dallas landmark Reunion Tower, Hyatt Regency Dallas is a gateway to the best of the city. Live, work and be yourself at our inviting, contemporary hotel near the Dallas Convention Center and within walking distance of many tourist attractions, including Dealey Plaza and the Historic West End. Whether you are here to work or play, Hyatt Regency Dallas is designed to meet all of your needs. Enjoy complimentary wifi in spacious rooms and suites with prime views overlooking downtown Dallas or the Trinity River Greenbelt.

Room Rates

$159Per Night

Room rates guaranteed until May 7th, 2025
or until the room block is full.



Hyatt Regency Dallas offers guests the ability to cancel their individual reservations without penalty.

Guest must call by 11:59 PM CST; 72 hours prior to their scheduled arrival date to cancel the reservations to avoid being charged one (1) night room and tax. Any reservation that is not canceled and does not arrive will be charged (1) night room and tax to the guaranteed method of payment on the reservation.