Buy & Sell used equipment,
inventory, even stores.
include up to 5 Photos.


OVER 7,000 Store Owners at Your Finger Tips...

Virtually anything and everything related to this industry that you need to sell or want to buy can be listed here. Much like advertising on Craigslist.org, you create your own ad, upload photos, include links, etc. The difference is that your audience is comprised of over 7,000 RSA Members who have the same interests and needs as you, so your chances of connecting with a qualified buyer are much higher.

RS Associates Members can post ads for free as one of their member benefits. RS Premium Members’ ads receive “Featured” listing at no charge. This means that RS Premium Members’ ads will be highlighted and come up first in classified searches.

Anything You Need For Your Store

Looking for a backup parcel scale, credit card swiper, or a second store? RS Classifieds online marketplace allows RSA Members to sell, barter, or trade equipment, furniture, fixtures, inventory, or even their store—directly to others already in the business.

  • Computers
  • POS Hardware
  • Printers
  • Retail Displays
  • Surplus Inventory
  • Signs & Banners
  • Furniture & Fixtures
  • Vehicles
  • Entire Store
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